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Designing Streets for Kids – Türkçe

Designing Streets for Kids – Türkçe

Küresel Sokak Tasarım Rehberi‘nin başarısını temel alan Çocuklar için Sokaklar Tasarlamak kılavuzunda, dünyanın dört bir yanındaki şehirlerin, her yaştan ve yetenekten çocuğun, şehirlerin en verimli yaşam alanları olan sokaklardan faydalanmasını sağlayan alanlar tasarlamak için kullandığı uluslararası en iyi uygulamaları, stratejileri, programları ve politikaları ele alınıyor. Kılavuz, çocuklar ve bakım verenleri için güvenli, eğlenceli ve ilham verici sokakları vurgulayan tasarım önerilerini ve çalışmalarını içermektedir.

UNICEF – Child and Adolescent Road Safety

Case Studies

UNICEF – Child and Adolescent Road Safety

A new report from UNICEF's Healthy Environments for Healthy Children programme outlines technical guidance for child and adolescent road safety.

Sixty leaders, twenty cities, one focus: How to make better streets for kids

December 1, 2022

Sixty leaders, twenty cities, one focus: How to make better streets for kids

GDCI’s first-ever Streets for Kids Leadership Accelerator welcomed 60 professionals from 20 cities around the world, all working at the intersection of children’s wellbeing and transportation. This competitively selected group came together for twelve online sessions over a six months period for an intensive course in street design best practices. Perhaps most importantly, this was a unique opportunity for them to share ideas, questions, and strategies with each other. Here’s a look back at what went into this program.

Streets for Pandemic Response and Recovery – Français

Streets for Pandemic Response and Recovery – Français

Ces derniers mois, la pandémie mondiale de COVID-19 a transformé tous les aspects de la vie urbaine. Pour y répondre, les responsables des transports urbains du monde entier ont rapidement mis en place de nouveaux outils pour l’aménagement et la gestion des rues afin que les travailleurs essentiels et les marchandises puissent continuer à circuler, que les épiceries et autres commerces essentiels restent accessibles en toute sécurité et que les personnes disposent d’un espace sûr suffisamment grand pour maintenir une distanciation physique/sociale lorsqu’ils sont dans la rue. Ces pratiques évolutives dessineront nos villes à mesure que nous répondons à la pandémie de COVID-19 et sont fondamentales pour la reprise de nos activités à long terme.

Des rues pour répondre à la pandémie et faciliter la reprise recense des pratiques émergentes du monde entier et propose aux villes et à leurs partenaires des ressources pour les mettre en œuvre. Conscients de la nature extrêmement changeante de cette pandémie, Des rues pour répondre à la pandémie et faciliter la reprise sera révisé et élargi afin d’inclure de nouvelles stratégies, d’apporter des réponses aux conditions en constante évolution et de fournir les meilleures informations possible pour chaque pratique d’aménagement

FIA Foundation – The Wheels of Change: Safe and Sustainable Motorcycles in Sub-Saharan Africa

Case Studies

FIA Foundation – The Wheels of Change: Safe and Sustainable Motorcycles in Sub-Saharan Africa

This report aims to provide an overview of the key issues surrounding motorcycles in Africa to give context and facts – and to provide recommendations – to help all involved to make informed decisions that will maximise the benefits that motorcycles offer and to reduce the risks.