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Introducing the Advisory Committee for the Bloomberg Initiative for Cycling Infrastructure (BICI) Program

November 7, 2022

Introducing the Advisory Committee for the Bloomberg Initiative for Cycling Infrastructure (BICI) Program

The Global Designing Cities Initiative announced the Advisory Committee for the Bloomberg Initiative for Cycling Infrastructure (BICI) Program. The BICI Advisory Committee members bring decades of experience working in transportation and urban design in cities around the world. Together they provide diverse backgrounds in sustainable mobility and urban development, and collectively they will advise the city selection process, including reviewing and providing feedback on BICI’s application finalists.

Frequently Asked Questions about BICI

November 4, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions about BICI

We want to help your city submit a strong application to BICI. In early November, we held informational webinars where we answered questions about the program and how to apply. Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about BICI can be found here.

ITDP – Protected Bicycle Lanes Protect the Climate

Case Studies

ITDP – Protected Bicycle Lanes Protect the Climate

As part of ITDP’s global Cycling Cities campaign and with support from the FIA Foundation, this new report finds that networks of protected bicycle lanes in middle-income cities reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lower transport costs, and prevent premature fatalities in a highly cost-effective way.