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The Lomas de la Trinidad Street Transformation

GDCI Projects, Videos

The Lomas de la Trinidad Street Transformation

The Municipality of León, Mexico, partnered with the Governmental Family Services Agency (DIF) and the non-profit Colectivo Tomate to pilot an interim street transformation creating a safe, accessible, and playful path to key destinations serving nearly 1,000 children daily.

Surakarta Child-friendly and Inclusive City (SUKARIA)

GDCI Projects, Videos

Surakarta Child-friendly and Inclusive City (SUKARIA)

In Solo, Indonesia, the non-profit Kota Kita partnered with the Surakarta City Department of Transportation to redesign two streets near a high school, benefiting more than 500 students and residents. More than 400 kids, caregivers, and community members participated. The interim transformation created a safer, more attractive, and more inclusive environment for children by reclaiming public space for pedestrians and introducing traffic-calming elements and street art.

10 Cities Designing Their Streets for Kids

August 9, 2024

10 Cities Designing Their Streets for Kids

In 2023, ten cities across four continents started designing their streets for kids. Collectively, the cohort reclaimed over 40,000 SqM of public space that prioritizes children and caregivers, engaged over 4,000 children in the process, and trained 140 practitioners.

Global Street Design Guide – Ukrainian

Global Street Design Guide – Ukrainian

This landmark guide offers technical details to inform street design that prioritizes pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders in cities around the world.

How to Evaluate Street Transformations Near Schools

How to Evaluate Street Transformations Near Schools

This handbook provides specialized guidance on evaluating street transformations near schools to measure impact, gather stories, and champion safer, healthier, and more joyful streets for kids.

PRESS RELEASE: International leaders shine spotlight on Wellington’s street changes

March 18, 2024

PRESS RELEASE: International leaders shine spotlight on Wellington’s street changes

Global giants Janette Sadik-Khan (Transport Principal, Bloomberg Associates and Chair of Global Designing Cities Initiative),  and Salvador Rueda (Director of Urban Ecology Agency of Barcelona) arrived in New Zealand’s capital to back the sustainable street changes that are putting people at the heart of Wellington’s streets.

Clean Air Project Launched in Accra

February 14, 2024

Clean Air Project Launched in Accra

With the support of the Clean Air Fund, GDCI will help reduce harmful PM2.5 air pollution, focusing on one of the most at risk groups, children.

Road Safety Report Shows Progress, Still Calls For Urgent Action

December 13, 2023

Road Safety Report Shows Progress, Still Calls For Urgent Action

The WHO Global Status on Road Safety Report 2023 shows inroads into reducing road traffic deaths, but also highlights key challenges. Learn how GDCI's work supports cities to reduce vehicle speeds and save lives.

PRESS RELEASE: World Bank Endorses Global Street Design Guide

October 23, 2023

PRESS RELEASE: World Bank Endorses Global Street Design Guide

"The guidance, vision, and flexibility articulated in the Guide represents a new and important direction for cities and communities and is an indispensable tool for planning a more equitable future," says World Bank President Ajay Banga.