
Buzeta ‘Caminable’ – Opening Streets for Play and Physical Activity in Cerrillos, Chile

Ciudad Emergente partnered with the Municipality of Cerrillos and the Mayor University to do a pop-up transformation of 7th Avenue into a pedestrian-friendly space, connecting an elementary school serving 350 children with a nearby park, and creating a safer and more playful space.

Buzeta ‘Caminable’ – Opening Streets for Play and Physical Activity in Cerrillos, Chile
IDB – Motorcycles in Latin America: Current and Recommended Best Practices for the Protection of its Users

Case Studies

IDB – Motorcycles in Latin America: Current and Recommended Best Practices for the Protection of its Users

The 2025 Vision of the Inter-American Development Bank, called “Reinvest in the Americas. A decade of opportunities”, aims to help boost the recovery of the region after the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. In this sense, collective measures must be taken to build -among other needs- stronger and healthier societies. The reduction of mortality caused by traffic is therefore imperative to contribute to the achievement of the objectives set.

GRSF – Integrating Safety into Road Design

Case Studies

GRSF – Integrating Safety into Road Design

The Safe System approach highlights that a shared response is required to address road safety. This means that road users will continue to take responsibility for their actions, for instance by being alert and compliant with road rules. However, it is also recognized that road managers and designers have a significant responsibility to provide a road system that protects all road users. This can be achieved through appropriate designs of roads.

Lebu-Jemo Interim Cycling Corridor

Case Studies, GDCI Projects

Lebu-Jemo Interim Cycling Corridor

A project snapshot of Addis Ababa’s launch of its first cycle lane under the Safe Cycling Program.

Design to Save Lives

Case Studies, GDCI Projects

Design to Save Lives

A comprehensive overview of the impressive transformation of the LeGare intersection in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Improving Road Safety through Street Design

Case Studies, GDCI Projects

Improving Road Safety through Street Design

A report outlining road safety conditions in Addis Ababa, showing how road fatalities can be dramatically reduced through street design implementations.

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