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Fortaleza Cares: Prioritizing Safer Access to Albert Sabin Children’s Hospital

October 24, 2018

Fortaleza Cares: Prioritizing Safer Access to Albert Sabin Children’s Hospital

In late 2017, the GDCI team partnered with city officials, the Albert Sabin Children’s Hospital, the World Resources Institute (WRI), and Vital Strategies, through the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), to transform the safety of the streets surrounding the hospital. This area, in Fortaleza, Brazil, is now equipped with safe pedestrian infrastructure that has reduced the number of people walking on the roadbed by 86%, and greatly improved accessibility to the hospital.

The Power of Paint: Bringing Life to the Streets of Dragão do Mar

September 20, 2018

The Power of Paint: Bringing Life to the Streets of Dragão do Mar

The City of Fortaleza, Brazil, launched a new Cidade da Gente (City of People) project in Dragão do Mar in August 2018. City contractors and local volunteers applied bright colors and bold patterns to the 5,000 square meter site over three days, and used 1,000 liters of paint to improve the streets’ geometry. The redesign makes streets safer and brings revived life and energy to the neighborhood. 

Street Shaper – Fall 2018

September 13, 2018

Street Shaper – Fall 2018

GDCI Street Shaper of the Month Luiz Alberto Saboia, Executive Secretary of Conservation and Public Services, Fortaleza City Hall, Fortaleza, Brazil

Global Streets Design Guide – Portuguese

Global Streets Design Guide – Portuguese

O Guia global de desenho de ruas estabelece uma nova referência mundial para o desenho de vias urbanas. Reconhecendo as cidades como locais para pessoas, o guia altera o parâmetro do desenho de vias urbanas do típico ponto de vista da circulação e da segurança do automóvel para incluir acesso, segurança e mobilidade para todos os usuários, qualidade ambiental, benefício econômico, melhoria do lugar, da saúde pública e da qualidade de vida em geral.

Designing Cities 2018: Los Angeles

August 14, 2018

Designing Cities 2018: Los Angeles

The NACTO Designing Cities Conference brings together 800 officials, planners, and practitioners to advance the state of transportation in cities. Join us in Los Angeles on October 1 – 4!

Bogotá launches its community-led Plazoleta Program

July 16, 2018

Bogotá launches its community-led Plazoleta Program

Bogotá recently took another step towards creating safer, sustainable, and more inclusive streets by officially launching the Plazoleta Program which aims to create pedestrian plazas by reclaiming underutilized spaces all over the city.

GDCI Street Shaper of the Month 

July 13, 2018

GDCI Street Shaper of the Month 

Paula Bisiau Undersecretary of Sustainable and Safe Mobility, Department of Transportation, City of Buenos Aires