
The Lomas de la Trinidad Street Transformation

The Municipality of León, Mexico, partnered with the Governmental Family Services Agency (DIF) and the non-profit Colectivo Tomate to pilot an interim street transformation creating a safe, accessible, and playful path to key destinations serving nearly 1,000 children daily.

The Lomas de la Trinidad Street Transformation
FIA Foundation – The Wheels of Change: Safe and Sustainable Motorcycles in Sub-Saharan Africa

Case Studies

FIA Foundation – The Wheels of Change: Safe and Sustainable Motorcycles in Sub-Saharan Africa

This report aims to provide an overview of the key issues surrounding motorcycles in Africa to give context and facts – and to provide recommendations – to help all involved to make informed decisions that will maximise the benefits that motorcycles offer and to reduce the risks.

GRSF – Motorcycle Safety in Africa

Case Studies

GRSF – Motorcycle Safety in Africa

This research study presents comprehensive strategic recommendations on how to improve motorcycle safety in Africa. The study will serve as policy advice and technical assistance to the Bank’s regional member countries (RMCs). The study focuses on motorcycle safety conditions in Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Rwanda, and Uganda, where the use of motorcycles for daily activities is reputedly high.

Lebu-Jemo Interim Cycling Corridor

Case Studies, GDCI Projects

Lebu-Jemo Interim Cycling Corridor

A project snapshot of Addis Ababa’s launch of its first cycle lane under the Safe Cycling Program.

Design to Save Lives

Case Studies, GDCI Projects

Design to Save Lives

A comprehensive overview of the impressive transformation of the LeGare intersection in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Improving Road Safety through Street Design

Case Studies, GDCI Projects

Improving Road Safety through Street Design

A report outlining road safety conditions in Addis Ababa, showing how road fatalities can be dramatically reduced through street design implementations.

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