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January 27, 2025

Scaling up Streets for Kids in Brazil, Mexico and Zambia

Designing streets for kids goes beyond one-off street transformations and temporary events. It requires scaling up and making street improvements part of citywide programs and policies. In 2024, four cities, Canoas, Brazil; León, Mexico; Lusaka, Zambia; and Recife, Brazil, participated in the latest Streets for Kids program round, which included tailored technical assistance to implement projects and scale up the vision for kids-first projects, programs, and policies.

Scaling up Streets for Kids in Brazil, Mexico and Zambia
Road Safety Report Shows Progress, Still Calls For Urgent Action

December 13, 2023

Road Safety Report Shows Progress, Still Calls For Urgent Action

The WHO Global Status on Road Safety Report 2023 shows inroads into reducing road traffic deaths, but also highlights key challenges. Learn how GDCI's work supports cities to reduce vehicle speeds and save lives.

Transforming a Crash Hotspot into a Pedestrian Haven in Quito

May 20, 2021

Transforming a Crash Hotspot into a Pedestrian Haven in Quito

In 2020, as a part of the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) program, GDCI began working with the city of Quito, Ecuador with the ambition of improving road safety, reducing injuries and deaths on the roads

Calçada Viva: Recuperando espaço para pedestres no Centro de Fortaleza

March 10, 2020

Calçada Viva: Recuperando espaço para pedestres no Centro de Fortaleza

A cidade de Fortaleza deu um novo passo para se tornar mais segura e caminhável. A intervenção realizada na Rua Barão do Rio Branco, uma das mais movimentadas da área central da cidade, integra o programa Calçada Viva e faz parte de uma estratégia abrangente de promoção da segurança viária liderada pelo governo municipal.

Caminhos da Escola: Intervenções temporárias como ferramenta de participação comunitária

February 6, 2020

Caminhos da Escola: Intervenções temporárias como ferramenta de participação comunitária

Em dezembro de 2019, a equipe da GDCI deu apoio à capital cearense para a implantação da primeira intervenção urbana do programa Caminhos da Escola, que busca melhorar as condições de segurança viária no entorno de escolas públicas através de melhorias de desenho urbano.

Measure What Matters: Reclaiming Space for Pedestrians in Downtown Fortaleza

December 10, 2019

Measure What Matters: Reclaiming Space for Pedestrians in Downtown Fortaleza

Within an ambitious city-wide vision to promote road safety and sustainable mobility, the City of Fortaleza, Brazil, took another major step towards making its streets safer and more walkable—this time, in the heart of the city’s commercial center.

MCGM to Transform CSMT Intersection in Collaboration with BIGRS

October 22, 2019

MCGM to Transform CSMT Intersection in Collaboration with BIGRS

Under BIGRS, the MCGM and Mumbai Traffic Control Branch (MTCB), with the support of the Global Designing Cities Initiative (GDCI), is carrying out this transformation work to increase pedestrian safety while making traffic flow more efficient, around the busy transportation hub.

Participation is Power: Launch of an Interim Intervention in Penha

October 4, 2019

Participation is Power: Launch of an Interim Intervention in Penha

On August 17, 2019, the interim intervention was launched with programmed activities throughout the day. The team led a walk-through of the site, hosted an outdoor Zumba class in the newly created plaza, and invited a local music school to perform.