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Global Street Design Guide-Türkçe

Global Street Design Guide-Türkçe

Küresel Sokak Tasarımı Rehberi, sokakların dünyanın farklı şehirlerindeki rolünü yeniden tanımlamak için bir araya getirildi. 42 ülke, 72 şehirden gelen uzman fikirleri ile şekillenen rehber, yaya, bisiklet ve toplu taşıma öncelikli sokak tasarımları için gereken teknik detayları içeriyor.

Transforming a Crash Hotspot into a Pedestrian Haven in Quito

May 20, 2021

Transforming a Crash Hotspot into a Pedestrian Haven in Quito

In 2020, as a part of the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) program, GDCI began working with the city of Quito, Ecuador with the ambition of improving road safety, reducing injuries and deaths on the roads

GDCI Supports Streets for Life: 6th UN Global Road Safety Week

May 13, 2021

GDCI Supports Streets for Life: 6th UN Global Road Safety Week

Taking place May 17-22, 2021, the theme of this year's UN Global Road Safety Week (UNGRSW) is "Streets for Life," focusing on the importance of limiting speeds to 30km/h (20mph) on streets where people and vehicles mix in an organized way

Global Street Design Guide-Italiano

Global Street Design Guide-Italiano

La Guida globale di street design è stata concepita per ridefinire il ruolo delle strade nelle città di tutto il mondo. Creata con il contributo di esperti provenienti da 72 città in 42 paesi, la Guida stabilisce nuove linee guida internazionali per la progettazione di strade che diano priorità alle persone: pedoni, ciclisti e utenti del trasporto pubblico.

Featured Street Shaper – Spring 2021

March 22, 2021

Featured Street Shaper – Spring 2021

GDCI Street Shaper of the Month Nina Asterina Program Manager for Urban Inclusivity Initiatives at Kota Kita Foundation, Surakarta (Solo), Indonesia