
Buzeta ‘Caminable’ – Opening Streets for Play and Physical Activity in Cerrillos, Chile

Ciudad Emergente partnered with the Municipality of Cerrillos and the Mayor University to do a pop-up transformation of 7th Avenue into a pedestrian-friendly space, connecting an elementary school serving 350 children with a nearby park, and creating a safer and more playful space.

Buzeta ‘Caminable’ – Opening Streets for Play and Physical Activity in Cerrillos, Chile
Buzeta ‘Caminable’ – Opening Streets for Play and Physical Activity in Cerrillos, Chile

GDCI Projects, Videos

Buzeta ‘Caminable’ – Opening Streets for Play and Physical Activity in Cerrillos, Chile

Ciudad Emergente partnered with the Municipality of Cerrillos and the Mayor University to do a pop-up transformation of 7th Avenue into a pedestrian-friendly space, connecting an elementary school serving 350 children with a nearby park, and creating a safer and more playful space.

The Lomas de la Trinidad Street Transformation

GDCI Projects, Videos

The Lomas de la Trinidad Street Transformation

The Municipality of León, Mexico, partnered with the Governmental Family Services Agency (DIF) and the non-profit Colectivo Tomate to pilot an interim street transformation creating a safe, accessible, and playful path to key destinations serving nearly 1,000 children daily.

Surakarta Child-friendly and Inclusive City (SUKARIA)

GDCI Projects, Videos

Surakarta Child-friendly and Inclusive City (SUKARIA)

In Solo, Indonesia, the non-profit Kota Kita partnered with the Surakarta City Department of Transportation to redesign two streets near a high school, benefiting more than 500 students and residents. More than 400 kids, caregivers, and community members participated. The interim transformation created a safer, more attractive, and more inclusive environment for children by reclaiming public space for pedestrians and introducing traffic-calming elements and street art.

Webinar: How to Make and Use a Streets for Kids Reverse Periscope


Webinar: How to Make and Use a Streets for Kids Reverse Periscope

A Streets for Kids Reverse Periscope is a simple DIY tool that can help adults experience streets from a child’s height. Watch this recorded webinar about how to create and use a Reverse Periscope in your community.

How Do Kids Experience Streets? A Reverse Periscope Companion Guide

GDCI Projects

How Do Kids Experience Streets? A Reverse Periscope Companion Guide

The Streets for Kids Reverse Periscope is a do-it-yourself tool that encourages planners, city officials, and others to experience the obstacles and attractions of city streets from a child’s perspective.

Bernard van Leer Foundation – Early Childhood Matters

Case Studies

Bernard van Leer Foundation – Early Childhood Matters

In this edition of Early Childhood Matters, the Bernard van Leer Foundation explores why behavioural science can and should be rooted in all areas of caregiving, from reading at home to the doctor’s waiting room and how governments are starting to take note.

UNICEF – Child and Adolescent Road Safety

Case Studies

UNICEF – Child and Adolescent Road Safety

A new report from UNICEF's Healthy Environments for Healthy Children programme outlines technical guidance for child and adolescent road safety.

FIA Foundation – The Wheels of Change: Safe and Sustainable Motorcycles in Sub-Saharan Africa

Case Studies

FIA Foundation – The Wheels of Change: Safe and Sustainable Motorcycles in Sub-Saharan Africa

This report aims to provide an overview of the key issues surrounding motorcycles in Africa to give context and facts – and to provide recommendations – to help all involved to make informed decisions that will maximise the benefits that motorcycles offer and to reduce the risks.

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