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Traffic congestion and commercial activities might block the sidewalks and overtake the pedestrian environment.
Destinations on both sides of the street result in frequent mid-block crossing and multiple desire lines.
Pedestrian-only streets might function as a shopping street, with dense commercial and mixed-use activity, serving high pedestrians volumes.
Explore pedestrianization when pedestrians overflow onto the roadbed on a regular basis.
Carefully select streets to be pedestrianized based on immediate context. Lack of pedestrians can render these streets unsafe and uninviting. Pedestrian-only streets should be situated in high-density, mixed-use office or commercial areas where pedestrian numbers are high.
Pedestrian-only streets must be well connected to collective transit, cycle routes, and walking paths. Access from side streets or through streets should offer multiple options to move in and out of the corridor, keeping the space permeable. See: Pedestrian Networks.
Provide drop-off and pick-up points for vehicles carrying passengers with ambulatory difficulties.
Minimum clear paths should be maintained to allow emergency vehicle access. Prohibit parking and vehicular traffic to ensure that clear paths remain unobstructed.
Provide a smooth and level surface to optimize walking accessibility. While clear paths are not required to be straight and direct, they must be continuous and navigable.
Use durable and slip-resistant materials. Provide accessibility ramps and tactile paving to assist the visually impaired.
Add street furniture, artwork, seating, tables, benches, trees, landscaping, cycle racks, and water fountains to add character and support a range of activities.
Restrict loading access to certain times of day, preferably off-peak hours, for local businesses and residences.
Lighting must support a safe environment. Facade lighting, pedestrian-scale light poles, and shorter light fixtures can be used to evenly light the space. See: Lighting Design Guidance.
Schedule regular maintenance to keep the space clean. Waste receptacles should be provided, and their number based on pedestrian volumes.
Program activities and events, particularly if the corridor is long. Create frontage zones and vendor spaces to organize on-street activity. Ensure breaks are provided between vendor areas to maintain visibility and permeability.
Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.
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