Global Street Design Guide

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Global Street Design Guide

Photos are indicated by “f.”
Abu Dhabi, UAE, 223f
access, 390; boarding areas, 111; for
emergency vehicles, 325
; local, 170;
management strategies, 125, 167, 170;
mobility and, 61; to nature, 12; parking and,
; safety and, 13
accessibility. See universal accessibility
accessibility ramps. See pedestrian ramps
accessible pedestrian signals. See signals
Accra, Ghana, 272f, 284f, 322f
active frontage, 366
active mobility, 366
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 246f, 276f, 293f, 349f,
advanced stop bars (ASB), 96
air quality, 9, 12; impact evaluation, 384
alleys. See laneways
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 103f, 174f, 257f;
play spaces in, 228f
ancillary lanes, 5
Antwerp, Belgium, 283f
ASB. See advanced stop bars
at-grade boarding. See boarding
Auckland, New Zealand, 172f, 224–225, 239;
revitalization of, 312–313
Austin, TX, USA, 341f
auto-dependency, xviii–xix, 120
automobiles. See vehicles
avenue, 250, 387
back alley. See laneways
Bandung, Indonesia, 123f, 220f, 252f, 340f
Bangalore, India, 248–249
Bangkok, Thailand, 286f, 352f; street vendors
in, 149f
Barcelona, Spain, 283
before-and-after photographs, 45f
behavior change programs, 240
benches. See seating
bicycle. See cycle facilities
bidirectional cycle track, 65, 100
bike boulevard. See cycle lanes
bike box. See advanced stop bars
bike lane. See cycle lanes
bike share. See cycle share stations
biodiversity, 380
block sizes, 61
blub-outs, 89
boarding island, 64, 82, 240, 263, 285, 353
boarding lanes, 114–115, 117
Bogotá, Colombia, 173f, 262f; central median
bike lane in, 351f; transitways, 113f
bollards, 125, 140
boulevards, 250, 387
BRT. See Bus Rapid Transit
Budapest, Hungary, 271f
budgets. See costs

Buenos Aires, Argentina, 95f, 222f, 285f,
288–289, 355f; intersection in, 212f
buffer zone, 78, 98; marked, 96; transit
facilities and, 112
buffered bicycle lanes. See cycle facilities
building edges, 5, 63; active, 77
built environment, 58f, 322; quality of, 325
bulb-out. See sidewalk extensions
bus lane. See transit lanes
Bus Rapid Transit (BRP), 107, 113, 287, 358
bus services, 107
bus stop. See transit stops
Cairo, Egypt, 203f, 260f, 290f, 356f
capacity, of streets, 3, 14–15
Cape Town, South Africa, 330–331
car share zones, 168, 171
car-free zones, 170, 306
cargo bikes, 93
car-oriented street, 15f
carriageway. See roadbed
case studies, xx–xxi
CBD. See central business district
center-boarding, 114
central business district (CBD), 204
Charleston, NC, USA, 246f
Chengdu, China, 279f
Chennai, India, 173f, 83f, 253f
Chicanes, 89, 133
ciclovias, 306
city agendas, 22–23
city services, 382
clear path, 78, 82, 366
climate, 30, 63; extreme, 38; protection, 17
CO2 emissions, 9
collective transport, 325, 382
commerce, 144, 380, 383
commercial activity, 48, 69
commercial sidewalks, 79, 81, 198
commercial vehicle. See freight operators
communication, engagement and, 28–29
communication infrastructure, 152
community liaison officer, 266
conflict management, 167
conflict zone markings, 103
constituency groups, 23
construction. See implementation
context: changing, 64–65; cultural, 5960;
history as, 60; immediate, 62–63; local,
60–61; regional, 60–61; social, 59f
contraflow lanes, 119; in Copenhagen,
Denmark, 237f
control vehicle, 180
conversion chart, 377
coordination and project management, 34–35
Copenhagen, Denmark, 198, 247f; Amager
Square, 199; contraflow cycle lanes in, 237f;
cycle tracks in, 95f; E-bike share in, 104f;
neighborhood slow zones in, 123f;

play spaces in, 229f
corner alignments, 89
corner radii, 390; intersections and, 348; speed
and, 130, 132, 180f
corner refuge islands, 96
costs, 30–31
crosswalk. See pedestrian crossings
cultural context, 59–60
curb, 77; flushed, 156; moving, 33; types of, 98
curb cuts, 125, 140
curb extensions. See sidewalk extensions
curb radii. See corner radii
curb ramps. See pedestrian ramps
curb zone, 79, 98
curbside management, 63, 167, 171
cycle boxes, 96, 391
cycle corrals, 33, 97
cycle facilities, 5, 8, 16, 48, 93, 96, 257,
366; bidirectional, 359; elements of, 98;
geometry of, 100–101; intersections and,
102, 391; lack of, 11; metrics for, 379; transit
facilities and, 102, 111; types of, 99
cycle lanes, 99, 315f; in Bogotá, Colombia,
351f; in Copenhagen, Denmark, 237f; transit
lanes and, 119
cycle networks, 94–95
cycle parking structures, 97, 111
cycle share stations, 97, 104–105, 255f
cycle signals, 97, 103, 161
cycle streets, 99
cycle tracks, 64–65, 68, 78, 95, 9899;
bidirectional, 65, 100. See also cycle lanes
cycle trucks, 93
cycle-rickshaws, 93
cycleway clear path, 98
cyclists, 68, 381, 388–389; comfort level of,
93; designing for, 92–105; protection for,
351353; speed and, 92; temporary closures
and, 305; toolbox, 96–97; variations of, 93
data collection. See metrics
daylighting, intersections and, 366
deflection, 366
Delft, The Netherlands, 353f
delivery. See freight networks
demand management, 167168
demographics, 60
density, 60
design controls, 177–183
design hour, 174, 182–183, 265
design speed, 178–179. See also speed
design vehicle, 180
design year, modal capacity and, 181
detectable surfaces, 90
distance conversion chart, 377
diverters, 135
dooring, 366
drainage. See green infrastructure
duration, of build, 30

easy access stops, 117
economic environment, 59f
economic sustainability, xxiii, 7
economy of streets, 8
ecosystems: habitats and, 61; streets as, 55
electric cycles, 93
electric vehicle charging stations, 125, 161
electricity, 152
elevated structure: improvement, 292295,
387; removal, 296299, 387
emergency vehicle access, 325
employment, 380
employment hubs, 168
energy efficiency, 9, 163
energy efficient lighting, 16
enforcement enhancement, 16, 161
engagement, communication and, 28–29
entrances, 63
environmental quality, 48
environmental sustainability, xxiii, 7;
streets for, 9
evaluation. See metrics
evidence. See metrics
existing conditions, 325
exposure, 366
expression, streets as, 13
extended bus stop. See transit stops
far-side stops, 118
fatalities. See traffic fatalities
filtered permeability, 103, 122
firefighting, 152
flexible bollards, 33
food trucks, 33
footpath. See sidewalk
Fortaleza, Brazil, 79f, 234f, 236f, 238f
freight networks, 139, 382; metrics for, 380;
safety and, 138, 142–143
freight operators, 69, 388; designing for,
136–143; speed and, 136; time restrictions
for, 140; variations in, 137
freight services, 49
freight toolbox, 140
frontage zone, 78, 311; active frontage, 366;
increase, 201
function shift, 44, 4648, 381–383
funding sources, 31
gateways, 89, 132, 227
geographic features, 61
geology, 31
Glasgow, Scotland, parklet in, 209
Gothenburg, Sweden, 99f
green infrastructure, 17, 63, 77, 83, 153, 156,
366, 390; benefits of, 159; design guidance,158;
planting, 5, 157; sidewalks and, 80;
water management, 9, 146, 152
Green Light for Midtown, 217

grid systems, 122
Guangzhou, China, 109f, 197, 287f
Gurgaon, India, 308–309
The Hague, The Netherlands, 301f
handicap. See universal accessibility
Hangzhou, China, 105f
health, 12, 49, 54
Helsinki, Finland, 109f
history, as context, 60
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 192f, 284f, 350f
Hong Kong, China, 2f, 8, 254f
horizontal deflection. See traffic calming
horizontal signalization. See signals
human experience, 13
human field of vision, 82f
human scale, 62
human senses, 13
hump. See traffic calming strategies
implementation, 36–37
induced demand, 181
informal settlements: safety in, 325; streets in,
322–333; utilities in, 324
information technology, 161. See also
infrastructure, 366; utilities and, 62, 151, 326.
See also green infrastructure
in-lane stops, 116
interagency coordination, 35
interim designs, 366
interim strategies, 32–33
intersections: analysis of, 338; in Buenos
Aires, Argentina, 212f; compact, 336, 339;
complex, 356359; corner radii and, 348;
cycle facilities and, 102, 391; daylighting
and, 366; design of, 335; dimensions,
390–391; improving traffic circles, 356–357;
increasing permeability of, 358–359; major,
348353; neighborhood gateway, 344–345;
as nodes, 348; of one- and two-way streets,
346–347; pedestrian plazas and, 354–355;
redesign of, 33, 339; signals and, 337, 339;
small raised, 342–343; strategies for,
336–337; traffic fatality and, 335
island stops, 116, 239
Istanbul, Turkey, 196f, 320–321; limited access
areas in, 139f Jerusalem, Israel, transit streets, 113f
Kerb. See curb kiosk. See street vendors
Kolkata, India, 270f
KSI (killed or seriously injured), 367
labor, 30 land allocation, 324

landscaping. See green infrastructure
lanes: ancillary, 5; boarding, 117; continuous,169;
contraflow, 119, 237f; cycle, 119, 237f,
315f, 351f; narrowing, 132, 172; turning, 128,
140. See also transit lanes; travel lanes
lane-splitting, 126
laneways, 190–191, 386; of Melbourne,
Australia, 204–205; as pedestrian-priority
spaces, 200–205
Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPIs), 175, 261
left turns. See turn movement separation
Legible London, 91f
level boarding. See boarding
light pollution, 163; impact evaluation, 384
light rail. See transit facilities
lighting, 16, 77, 124, 131, 146, 153; design
guidance, 162–163; importance of, 327; in
Lisbon, Portugal, 162f; in London, United
Kingdom, 162f; technology and, 160–161
Lima, Peru, parklets in, 209, 245f
limited traffic zones, 122, 170; in Porto,
Portugal, 123f
Lisbon, Portugal, lighting, 162f
loading zones, 141, 171, 283; in Stockholm,
Sweden, 139f
local climate. See climate
local stewardship, 39
London, United Kingdom, 91f, 173f, 230–231;
Exhibition Road, 222f; freight delivery in,
143f; lighting in, 162f; raised crossing in,
LPIs. See Leading Pedestrian Intervals
Madrid, Spain, 99f
maintenance, 39
Malmö, Sweden, 79f, 229f
management, 38
management strategies, 165166, 168175;
types of, 167
mass transit. See transit facilities
materials, 30, 36–37; pavement, 134
Medellin, Colombia, 284f, 328–329
median stops, 116
medians, 88, 133, 262, 264;
continuous raised, 170
Melbourne, Australia, 274–275; laneways of,
204–205; site map, 205f
metering, 169, 171
metrics, 45, 378
Mexico City, Mexico, 357f; pedestrian plaza
in, 214f microclimate, 9
mid-block stops, 118
mini roundabouts, 133, 340–341
Minneapolis, MN, USA, 273f
mixed traffic, 367
mixed-use planning, 326
mobility, 67; access and, 61; active, 366
mobility mode share, 62

mobility plans, 40, 43
modal capacity, design year and, 181
mode share, 325, 367, 381
modular curbs, 33
Montreal, Canada, 245f
Moscow, Russia, pedestrian plaza in, 214f
motorcycle parking, 129
motorist networks, 122–123
motorist toolbox, 124–125
motorists, 69, 388–389; designing for, 120–135;
speed and, 120
motorized vehicle facilities, 379
motorized vehicles. See vehicles
movement of goods, 327
multilane roadways, 127
multimodal streets, 14–15, 55
Mumbai, India, 268f, 352f
Nairobi, Kenya, 108f, 276f, 332–333
Nashville, TN, USA, 256f
natural disasters, 61, 384
natural environment, 58f
nature, access to, 12
near-side stops, 118
Nelson, New Zealand, 343
network analysis, 336, 339
network connectivity, 326
network management, 167, 169
network type, 108
New Delhi, India, 75f, 244f, 256f; freight
transport in, 143; social spaces in, 228f
New York City, NY, USA, 79f, 232f, 258–259,
261f, 293f, 310f; pedestrian plaza in,
216–217; Prospect Park, 315f; refuge island,
347f; Street Vendor Guide, 149f
noise, 9, 12; impact evaluation, 384
non-motorized transportation, 326
on-street parking, 124
operating speed. See speed
operational changes, 44, 46–48; metrics for,
operational envelope, 70f
operational strategies, 165–175
Paris, France, 75f, 255f, 278f, 280–281
parking, 140, 239f, 311; access and, 125;
management, 167, 171; motorcycle, 129;
on-street, 124; perpendicular, 237
parking meters, 124
parklets, 33, 75f, 190–191, 206–208, 386; in
Glasgow, Scotland, 209; in Lima, Peru, 209,
245f; in San Francisco, CA, USA, 210–211; in
São Paulo, Brazil, 209
Paso Robles, CA, USA, 302–303
passenger-side boarding, 115
passive irrigation, 157
pavement materials, 134, 140; permeable,

peak period traffic delay, 258
pedestrian countdown signals, 76, 161
pedestrian crossings, 16, 48, 76, 391; design
guidance, 84–85; types of, 86–87
pedestrian facilities, metrics for, 378
pedestrian networks, 74–75
pedestrian plazas, 190–191, 386;
configurations of, 215; intersections and,
354–355; in Mexico City, Mexico, 214f; in
Moscow, Russia, 214f; in New York City,
NY, USA, 216–217; as pedestrian-priority
spaces, 212–217
pedestrian ramps, 76, 90
pedestrian refuges. See refuge islands
pedestrian toolbox, 76–77
pedestrian-priority spaces, 192–217, 386;
laneways and alleys, 200–205; pedestrian
plazas, 212–217; pedestrian-only streets,
190–191, 194–199. See also parklets
pedestrians, 68, 337, 381, 388–389; adults, 73;
children, 73; clear path for, 366; designing
for, 72–91; people with disabilities, 73; retail
rents and, 8; seniors, 72; speed of, 10f, 72;
variations in, 73
pedicabs, 93
people, 14f
performance, 108
performance metrics system, 45
peripheral vision, speed and, 179f
phasing, 32–33
physical activity, 12
physical changes, 44, 46–48; metrics for,
pilot. See interim strategies
pinchpoint, 87, 133
place: definition of, 58–59; street design and,
xxiii, 57–65
planters, 33
planting, 5, 157
plazas. See pedestrian plazas
pocket lane. See turning lanes
pocket park. See parklets; pedestrian plazas
policy updates, 21, 40–41
Portland, Oregon, 174f; 8
Porto, Portugal, limited traffic zones, 123f
post-industrial revitalization, 310–313, 387
press engagement, 29
Prishtina, Kosovo, 194f, 242f
project management, coordination and, 34–35
protected bicycle tracks. See cycle tracks
public artwork, 17
public education campaigns, 41
public health and safety, xxiii, 6, 23, 49, 54, 60;
physical activity and, 12; WHO on, 12. See
also air quality
public plaza. See pedestrian plazas
public toilets, 153
public transportation. See transit facilities
public-private coordination, 35

public-space programming, 38
Puebla, Mexico, 99f
pull-out stops, 117
quality of life, xxiii, 6, 49, 69, 324
quantitative analysis. See metrics
rain garden, 156
raised bicycle tracks. See cycle tracks
raised crossings. See pedestrian crossings
ramps. See pedestrian ramps
real-time arrival information, 110
real-time data collection, 161
reduced speed zones. See slow zones
refuge islands, 76, 88, 133, 283, 391; corner, 96;
in New York City, NY, USA, 347f
regional agendas, 22–23; policy updates, 21,
residential sidewalks, 79
rest areas, 119
right turns. See turning lanes
right-of-way, 4, 62
risk, 366
roadbed, 4, 367
Rome, Italy, 171f
roundabouts. See mini roundabouts
rubbish bins. See waste bins
safety, 49, 54, 60, 188; access and, 13;
enforcement, 38; freight networks and, 138,
142–143; impact evaluation, 384; in informal
settlements, 325; new paradigm for, 10. See
also speed
San Francisco, CA, USA, 94f, 243f, 297f;
parklets, 210–211
São Paulo, Brazil, 75f, 84f, 109f, 168f, 244f,
250f; parklet in, 209f; shared streets
in, 139f; transformation of, 319f; transit
streets, 113f
seating, 16, 77; street vendors and, 146; transit
riders and, 111
Seattle, WA, USA, 265f
Seoul, South Korea, 298–299
service infrastructure. See utilities
service operators. See freight operators
service providers, 69
service road. See laneways
service type, 108
shaping streets, 19; design, 21; developing
vision of project, 21, 26–27; evaluation, 21;
planning, 21; process of, 20–21
shared stops, 117
shared streets, 135, 139f, 218–219;
commercial, 220–225, 386; in historic cities,
220; residential, 226–231, 386
shared-lane markings, 343, 345
sharrow. See shared-lane markings
side flares, 90

sidewalk buffer. See curb zone
sidewalk extensions, 76, 89
sidewalks, 4, 378, 391; commercial, 79, 81, 198;
design guidance, 82–83; extensions, 76;
geometry of, 80; green infrastructure and,
80; narrow, 80; residential, 79; ribbon, 80;
role of, 78; street vendors on, 147; types of,
79; widening, 33; zones, 78
sight distance, 131
signage, 76, 131, 140, 160, 174–175
signalized intersections, 337, 339
signals, 16, 160; cycle lengths of, 175;
pedestrian countdown, 76; phasing of, 175,
380; progression of, 135, 172, 174–175
Singapore, Singapore, 264f, 342f; vendor
organization in, 149f
site analysis. See existing conditions
site characteristics, 57
slip lane removal, 89
slope, 90
slow zones, 122, 172; in Copenhagen, Denmark,
social context, 59f
social equity, xxiii, 7
social inclusion, 13
social interaction, 13
solar panels, 152
speed, 70; average, 70f, 377; conversion chart,
377; corner radii and, 130, 132, 180f; cyclists
and, 92; differential, 178; freight operators
and, 136; limits, 17; management, 167, 172–
173; motorists and, 120; pedestrian, 10f, 72;
peripheral vision and, 179f; as safety factor,
10; stopping distance and, 10f; target,
178–179, 367; traffic fatality and, 173, 178;
transit riders and, 106
speed cushions. See speed tables
speed humps, 134
speed tables, 134, 140
stakeholder engagement, 20, 24–25, 39, 266
station planning, 108
Stockholm, Sweden, 103f, 267; loading zones
in, 139f; Urban Mobility Strategy of, 266
stop bars, 124
stopping distance, speed and, 10f
streams, streets and, 300–303, 387
street activity, 5, 16, 62
street cleaning, 39
street design, 53; balance in, 67; baseline,
xvii; defining place and, xxxiii, 57–65; global
influences on, xx–xxi; impact of, xxiii;
key principles, 54–55; new approach to,
street furniture, 5, 62, 78
street geometry, 16
street vendors, 69, 171, 389; in Bangkok,
149f; designing for, 144–149; food trucks,
33; geometry of, 147; seating and, 146; on
sidewalks, 147; in Singapore, 149f; siting
guidance, 148–149; toolbox, 146;

variations in, 145
streets, 4–5, 113, 187; capacity, 3, 14–15,
367; car-oriented, 15f; central one-way,
252–259, 387; central two-way, 260–267,
387; commercial shared, 190–191;
condition of, 49, 380; design strategies
for, 188–189; drainage, 327; economy of,
8; as ecosystems, 55; for environmental
sustainability, 9; evaluating, 43–49; as
expression, 13; function change of, 182f,
381–383; goals of, 43; grand, 282–289, 387;
historic, 318–321, 387; in informal areas,
322–333; large with transit, 276–281, 387;
market, 307; measuring, 43–49; metrics
of, 44; as multidimensional spaces, 54;
multimodal, 14–15, 55; need prioritization,
23; neighborhood, 232–249, 386; one-way,
169, 190–191; parkside, 314–317, 387;
pedestrian-only, 190–191, 194–199; play,
306; prioritization of, 324; as public spaces,
xviixix, xxii, 22, 55, 68; residential shared
streets, 190–191; residential streets, 234–
241; resulting impacts of, 44, 46–47, 49; role
of, 322; safety, 10–11; special conditions,
290, 387; as spiritual, 13; streams and,
300–303, 387; two-way, 135, 169, 190–191;
typologies of, 190–191, 386–387; United
Nations recommendations for, 324; as urban
transformation catalysts, xxii; variations in,
120–121; waterfront, 314–317, 387; around
the world, xviii–xix. See also intersections;
lanes; shared streets; temporary closures;
transit streets
success, measure of, 6–7
surface markings, 124
sustainability. See economic sustainability;
environmental sustainability
sustainability plans, 40
sustainable modes, 367
Sustainable Safety program, 11
sustainable transportation, 3
swale, 156
Sydney, Australia, 95f, 103f, 151f, 203f, 235f;
residential streets, 240–241
tactile strips. See detectable surfaces
target speeds, 178–179, 367
taxi stands, 129, 171
technology, 30; lighting and, 160–161
temporary closures, 170, 387; cyclists and,
305; effects of, 304; elements of, 305;
Gurgaon, India, 308–309; night closures,
305; seasonal, 307; special events, 307;
types of, 306–307
temporary site interventions, 33
through zone. See clear path
ticket vending machines, 111
time restrictions, for freight operators, 140
Tokyo, Japan, 202f

top landing, 90
topography, 31
Toronto, Canada, 263f, 316–317
traffic calming strategies, 33, 125, 131135,
237, 367; geometric, 172; horizontal
deflection, 366; vertical deflection, 366
traffic diverters, 96
traffic enforcement cameras, 125
traffic evaporation, 181
traffic fatalities, 12; common cause, 11; cost
of, 8; intersections and, 335; speed and,
173, 178
traffic lights. See signals
traffic signals, 124
trains. See urban rail service
transit facilities, 4, 49, 366, 387; buffer zone
and, 112; cycle facilities and, 102, 111;
geometry of, 114–115; metrics for, 379; types
of, 113; zones of, 112
transit lanes, 110, 113; cycle lanes and, 119; in
São Paulo, Brazil, 113f; side-running, 114
transit networks, 108–109
transit organization, 16
transit riders, 68, 388–389; designing for,
106–119; seating and, 111; speed and, 106;
travel time and, 106; variations in, 107;
wayfinding and, 110
transit shelters, 110, 391
transit signals, 110
transit stations, 111
transit stops, 110, 171, 391; placement of, 118;
types of, 116–117
transit streets, 190–191, 268–275; in
Jerusalem, Israel, 113f; priorities of, 113; in
São Paulo, Brazil, 113f
transit toolbox, 110–111
transitways, 110, 113; in Bogotá, Colombia,
113f; center-running, 114; side-running, 114
transparency, 63
transportation. See sustainable transportation
transportation investment, 40
trash cans. See waste bins
travel lanes, 5, 124, 127; geometry of, 128–129,
141; width of, 126, 128, 141
travel time, 70; transit riders and, 106
trees. See green infrastructure
tricycles, 93
truck route. See freight networks
turn movement separation, 169
turning lanes, 128, 140
turns, forced, 170
United Nations, street recommendations of,
universal accessibility, 90, 188, 367, 378
urban migration, 322
urban rail service, 107
use coordination, 38
use shift, 44, 4648, 381–383

Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.