Global Street Design Guide

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Global Street Design Guide

Existing Conditions

The illustration above depicts a two-way waterfront drive with four travel lanes in each direction, effectively severing the waterfront from the adjacent neighborhood.

Limited or no pedestrian crossings and narrow central medians create an unsafe pedestrian environment.

Design Guidance

Transform the waterfront or park edge into a vibrant public park and an active multimodal corridor. Provide wide, high-capacity cycle tracks, wide walking paths, and high-quality transit stops and service.

Design and install street lighting so that both the building and waterfront or park sides of the street are safe and well lit. The waterfront or parkside edge requires greater lighting and visibility
consideration, as it likely receives little light or “eyes on the street” from active frontages. See: Lighting Design Guidance.

 Reduce the number and width of travel lanes to widen park and promenade space.

Dedicate space for collective transport to increase the street capacity. Transit can be accommodated in a side-running transitway thanks to the lack of crossing conflicts.

 Add taxi drop-off areas and selected parking areas for accessible parking. Locate these to minimize conflict with transit, cycle, or travel lanes.

Design specific gateways to access these destinations as safe intersections between all users.

Provide pedestrian refuge islands between the cycle tracks and transit lanes to shorten crossing distance.

 Raise pedestrian crossings to slow traffic speeds and prioritize pedestrians. See: Traffic Calming Strategies.

Add landscaping on the side median and along the waterfront or park to improve the pedestrian experience.

Install street furniture, lighting, and other amenities such as water fountains and children’s play areas.

Provide services and dedicated spaces for vendors, food stalls, and other establishments along the water’s edge.

Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.

Case Study: Queens Quay; Toronto, Canada

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Case Study: Queens Quay; Toronto, Canada