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This illustration depicts a large one-way street in the center of the city that coexists with a highly active mix of land uses.
Large one-way streets might be designed for a 60-120 minute peak vehicular traffic period and remain well below capacity at other times of day. Single directional movement of traffic encourages speeding and results in unsafe conditions for all road users.
These streets may support existing transit in mixed traffic.
Nashville, USA
New Delhi, India
Convert the one-way, fast-moving street to a two-way street with dedicated transit lanes in both directions. Contraflow transit from adjacent streets can be relocated to operate in a dedicated lane, increasing transit legibility and simplifying routing. Corridor
signal progression and turn prohibitions separate conflicting movements.
Add a bidirectional, protected cycle track to support cycling as a sustainable mobility option.
Where cycling infrastructure is present, locate transit stops away from the curb, on transit islands, with cyclists routed behind the stop. Locate curbside transit stops within the street furniture zone to avoid obstructions and maintain a clear path for pedestrians. See: Cycle Facilities.
Remove car parking at blocks with transit stops to prevent encroachment on bus lanes, reduce transit delays, and limit the need for enforcement.
The median also acts as a pedestrian refuge island, reducing the effective crossing distance and creating a friendlier pedestrian environment. See: Pedestrian Refuges.
The side median provides additional space for transit stops, cycle share stations, street furniture, and green infrastructure strategies.
Install signals for cyclists where turns across the cycle track will create conflicts between cyclists and motorists. Align concurrent movements and separate conflicts to create safer intersections. See: Signs and Signals.
São Paulo, Brazil
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.
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