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The illustration above depicts a wide two-way street that connects central business districts, downtown areas, institutional centers, and residential neighborhoods. Long, continuous corridors become increasingly congested as they approach central areas, progressively collecting regional commuters.
This street supports local and through traffic along with major bus routes. Private motor vehicles, taxis, and informal collective transport all demand curbside space, resulting in frequent double-parking, blocked transit stops, and unsafe cycling conditions, as well as delayed transit service.
Billboards and signage on sidewalks reduce visibility at intersections.
Narrow sidewalks inhibit commercial activity and cause conflict with transit stops and heavy pedestrian use.
Long crosswalks increase pedestrian crossing time, and raised medians with no ramps render the crossings inaccessible.
Accra, Ghana
Redesign the street to provide a widened central median that serves as a public space with trees, benches, lighting, street vendors, cycle share, water fountains, and public amenities.
Remove private vehicle access to prioritize pedestrians, transit, and cyclists. Frequent, reliable transit service can serve far more users than private vehicles, with significantly improved safety and comfort for pedestrians and cyclists.
Dedicate lanes for transit with low speeds, shared with cyclists and taxis. Provide transit shelters on the widened central median or the sidewalk furniture zone depending on transit vehicle door alignment. Maintain the pedestrian clear path when locating transit shelters and stops.
Widen sidewalks to provide universal accessibility and increase space for pedestrians and commercial activity.
Allow for loading and deliveries only during off-peak hours.
Add green infrastructure along the central median and the sidewalks to support stormwater management and create a more appealing environment. See: Green Infrastructure.
Barcelona, Spain
Minneapolis, USA
Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.
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