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The recommended width for through lanes shared by cars, two-wheeled motorized vehicles, and occasional fullsize transit vehicles is 3 m. This width serves all of these vehicles while discouraging high speeds. Lanes that are 2.7 m wide may be used in streets with speeds of 30 km/h or lower.
Through lanes of mixed traffic shared with trucks and buses may be 3–3.3 m wide. Curbside travel lanes may also be 3.3 m wide. Remnant width should not be added to the lane.
The recommended width for bidirectional lanes, also known as yield lanes, is 4.75–5.5 m. On low-volume streets without transit routes, vehicles moving in opposite directions can yield to one another as they pass.
The recommended width for turn lanes or pockets is 3 m or narrower if truck volumes are low. If wider turn radii are needed, channelization, recessed stop bars, or curb extensions are preferable to wide curbside turn lanes. Where larger effective turn radii are needed, such as where transit vehicles or trucks turn, a recessed stop bar may be used on the receiving side. See: Design Vehicle and Control Vehicle.
Taxi stands or taxi loading zones are lanes where forhire vehicles can line up to wait for passengers. Taxi stands may be provided on streets near high-capacity locations such as airports, railway stations, and transit hubs.
Parking lanes should typically be 1.8–2.5 m wide. On high-volume streets or where transit operates next to a parking lane, a 2.5 m-wide parking lane is recommended. Parking lanes should always be marked to communicate where to park and accommodate car share vehicles.
Parking spaces are recommended to be 2–2.5 m long and at least 1 m wide. This type of parking should be provided where the use of motorcycles is common. They have similar dimensions to parallel parking lanes, so they can be provided in conjunction with automobile parking. Providing dedicated spaces for motorcycles allows sidewalks to remain clear and safe for pedestrians.
Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.