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Designated routes for trucks and large vehicles should be clearly marked to minimize undesirable traffic on neighborhood streets. Signage may include weight limits and height and width restrictions.
Dedicated parking spaces for large vehicles avoid conflicts with other users. Durable materials may be selected to
support heavy loads.
On wide streets, central lanes or medians can operate as turning lanes for large vehicles. Where large vehicles turn on or off smaller streets, greater minimum radii may necessitate use of both lanes. Recessed stop bars or daylighting intersections can ease difficult turns while maintaining clear visibility for all users.
When loading vehicles and city services require access to areas that restrict regular vehicular traffic, retractable
or removable bollards should be installed to facilitate access.
Curb cuts that allow large vehicles to access loading bays should be carefully coordinated with other uses and should not diminish universal accessibility. Regulate minimum spacing between multiple curb cuts and limit their overall width to minimize the impact of blank garage doors on a streetscape. Balance loading needs with active ground floors, trees, and other uses that support a bustling street. Restrict curb cuts on streets with high pedestrian flows and designate certain streets as service corridors.
Speed cushions and tables can assist in calming truck traffic. On narrow streets, speed cushions provide a short grade increase, similar to a speed table, without interacting with the wider wheel base of buses and emergency vehicles.
Large vehicles apply increased force on the street, especially when starting, stopping, and turning. For designated loading zones, it is preferable to employ durable paving materials such as concrete pads or block pavers, which can withstand greater forces without buckling than can asphalt.
Freight vehicle access to dense urban areas should be restricted to off-peak periods such as early mornings or late
evenings. Time restrictions limit conflicts with other street users, increase safety, reduce congestion, and
ultimately facilitate better delivery operations and increased efficiency.
Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.
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