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Transit stops may be located at the near or far side of the intersection, or may be located mid-block in limited circumstances. Stop location affects transit speed, capacity,
safety, transfer opportunities, walking distances, and conflicts with other users. The opportunity of each placement should be analyzed with consideration to the local context.
Near-Side Stops
Near-side transit stops are located immediately before the intersection, allowing passengers to board and disembark within close proximity to the pedestrian crossing. Near-side stops are typically appropriate where limiting factors exist on the far side of the intersection. This configuration can allow passengers to board while transit is stopped at a red light, but reduces visibility between users at the intersection.
Far-Side Stops
The far-side transit stop is positioned across the intersection, allowing transit to decelerate through the intersection before stopping. Far-side stops minimize conflicts with turning vehicles and may incorporate transit signal priority. Far-side stops are appropriate at intersections with significant delay from traffic congestion, where traffic is heavier on the near side, and at complex intersections with multiphase signals.
Mid-Block Stops
Mid-block stops may be used at sites that generate a high volume of transit passengers or where insufficient space exists at adjacent intersections. Mid-block stops reduce visibility challenges related to turning vehicles and intersecting traffic, but increases walking distance for passengers if no mid-block pedestrian crossings are provided. While designing mid-block stops for high capacity, safe pedestrian crossing should be provided. Curb extensions such as bus bulbs should be provided as extra space for waiting passengers when there is curbside parking.
Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.