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Intersections of streets of different scales often lack the same level of definition, safety, and clarity as same-scale intersections. Where narrow streets meet larger streets, define the transition and context by using gateway treatments such as curb extensions, raised crossings, and small corner radii. Use these design elements so that people turning onto the narrower street become aware of entering a slow-speed environment.
This illustration depicts a two-way thoroughfare intersecting a residential two-way street.
Recessed pedestrian crossings increase the walking distances for pedestrians, who tend to cross at non-marked locations. While each street plays a different role at the network level, their hierarchy is unclear at the intersection.
Vehicles parked at the intersection on the residential street obstruct mutual visibility between motorists and pedestrians. The pedestrians have to step onto the roadbed to see if a vehicle is coming, and to be seen by drivers.
On the larger street, cyclists and pedestrians, though legally permitted to cross, are implicitly discouraged from doing so by design. Vehicles often fail to yield at these locations and have few design cues to suggest they should.
This reconstruction establishes a clear hierarchy between the two streets, taking into consideration all users and the role of each street within the larger network.
Raise the pedestrian crossings at the entrances to residential streets to prevent motorists from speeding when entering the street. This prioritizes pedestrian safety and increases legibility.
Introduce shared-lane markings and advanced stop boxes to prioritize cyclists at the intersection. A maximum speed of 30 km/h is recommended on the residential street and the use of traffic calming measures is encouraged.
Add buffered cycle lanes on wider streets to create a safer environment for cyclists.
Install curb extensions onto the smaller streets to reduce pedestrian crossing length, protect pedestrians, and prevent motorists from parking at the intersection corners.
Utilize these curb extensions for cycle parking, green infrastructure, and street furniture.
Fortaleza, Brazil
Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.
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