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An intersection of two one-way streets, each with one travel lane and unregulated parking on both sides.
Large corner radii encourage drivers to turn at high speeds, conflicting with pedestrian movement. Vehicles parked too close to the intersection reduce mutual visibility between motorists and pedestrians.
Sidewalks contain obstacles and lack shade and street furniture. Pedestrian crossings have minimum markings and do not provide accessibility ramps for universal access.
Raise the intersections to create a safe, slow-speed intersection. Provide speed humps and other vertical defection elements to reduce speeds and signal to motorists that they must yield to pedestrians.
Add curb extensions to increase the pedestrian space, reduce the crossing distance, and prevent parking at the intersection corners. Use the extension of these spaces to also provide landscaping and street furniture.
Where illegal parking on the sidewalks is a common problem, consider using bollards or street furniture to prevent vehicles from invading the pedestrian space.
Where vehicles are not turning, design corners with the smallest constructible radius, approximately 0.6 m.
Prioritize cycle traffic on low-speed corridors by treating them as cycle streets with shared lane markings.
Consider removing one lane of parking to create a contraflow cycle lane. Raised intersections increase safety for cyclists riding contraflow and for performing turns across oncoming traffic.
Nelson, New Zealand
Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.
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