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Streets with less motor vehicle traffic are healthier, safer, and can be used more flexibly. Managing traffic volume is especially important when changing the character of a street, for example when converting it to a shared street or a transit street.
Private motor vehicle volume on a street can be reduced by making the street less appealing as a throughroute or by completely preventing through-travel on a street. Volume can be decreased substantially by restricting access for local vehicle users only.
Delft, The Netherlands
Restricted Movement Strategies
Forced Turns
Require drivers to turn at an intersection, thus limiting through-travel. The turn can be forced via regulation signage while providing a through function for authorized users such as a transit or cycles. Forced turns can also be enforced by installing median diverters or large curb extensions to channel vehicular traffic. Diverters may have cut-throughs for through-cycle traffic.
Turn Prohibitions
Prohibiting turns from high-volume streets onto lower-volume streets can be implemented through regulatory signage reinforced with through-only arrow markings and by removing any existing turn lane.
Continuous Raised Median
Block traffic on a minor street from crossing a major street, forcing the minor street traffic to turn right, and preventing left turns from the major street. Pedestrian crossings, cycle intersection markings, and an opening in the median facilitates foot and cycle crossings.
Restricted Access Strategies
Local Access Streets and Limited Traffic Zones
Create a primarily pedestrian street or transit and pedestrian street by limiting private vehicle traffic to local deliveries and residents. Local access can be a temporary, periodic, or permanent condition.
Car-Free Zones
Create multi-block areas where vehicles are prohibited, allowing safe and free pedestrian and cycle movement, especially in areas with extremely high pedestrian demand, such as markets or retail areas. Deliveries should be accommodated during off-peak times or on streets adjacent to the car-free zone.
Temporary Closures
Performed by police officers or authorized local groups, temporary closures offer a simple way to provide street space for active uses such as ciclovías, street markets, civic gatherings, and other community events.
Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.
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