Global Street Design Guide

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Global Street Design Guide



Anderson, Geoff and Searfoss, Laura. “Safer Streets, Stronger Economies: Complete Streets project outcomes from across the country.” Smarth Growth America and National Complete Streets Coalition, March 2015. (accessed June 6, 2016).

Appleyard, Donald, M. Sue Gerson, and Mark Lintell. Livable Streets. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1981.

Atelier Parisien d’Urbanisme. Charte d’Amenagement des Espaces Civilises. Paris: APUR, 2002.

Bevan, Timothy A. et al. “Sustainable Urban Street Design and Assessment.” Paper presented at the 3rd Urban Street Symposium, Seattle, WA, June, 2007.

Bosselmann, Peter and Elizabeth Macdonald. “Livable Streets Revisited.” Journal of the American Planning Association 65, No.2 (1999): 168–180.

Boston Transportation Department. Boston Complete Streets. Boston, MA: City of Boston, 2013.

Busch, Chris and C.C Huang. “Cities for People in Practice.” Energy Innovation, Policy and Technology LLC, 2015. (accessed June 6, 2016).

CABE Space, This way to better streets: 10 case studies on improving street design. London: Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment, 2007.

Collarte, Natalia. “The Woonerf Concept: Rethinking a Residential Street in Somerville.” Master’s Thesis, Tufts University, December 2012.

EMBARQ, “Street Design Guidelines for Greater Mumbai.” Mumbai: WRI India, 2014. (accessed June 6, 2016).

Federal Highway Administration. Status of the Nation’s Highways, Bridges, and Transit: 2008 Conditions and Performance. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, 2008.

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Urban Mobility Plans: National Approaches and Local Practices. Eschborn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, 2014.

Gehl, Jan, and Birgitte Svarre. How to Study Public Life. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2013.

Gehl, Jan. Cities for People. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2010. Gehl, Jan. Life between Buildings: Using Public Space. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1987.

Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, Better Street Better Cities: A guide to street design in Urban India (Mumbai: ITDP, 2011)

Institute for Transportation and Development Policy. Guía de diseño de calles e intersecciones para Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires: ITDP, 2014.

International Energy Agency. Transport, Energy and CO2: Moving Towards Sustainability. Paris: IEA Publications, 2009.

Jacob, Jane. The Death and Life of Great American Cities. New York: Vintage Books, 1961.

Jacobs, Allan B., Elizabeth Macdonald, and Yodan Rofé. The Boulevard Book: History, Evolution, Design of Multiway Boulevards. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002.

Jacobs, Allan B. Great Streets. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993.

Kunstler, James Howard. The Geography of Nowhere: The Rise and Decline of America’s Man-Made Landscape. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1993.

Marshall, Stephen. “Building on Buchanan: Evolving Road Hierarchy for Today’s Streets-Oriented Design Agenda”, Paper presented at the European transport conference, Strasbourg, 2004.

Massengale, John and Victor Dover. Street Design: The Secret to Great Cities and Towns. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2014.

National Association of City Transportation Officials. Urban Street Design Guide. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2013.

New York City Department of Transportation. Street Design Manual. New York, NY: NYC DOT, 2009.

New York City Department of Transportation. The Economic Benefits of Sustainable Streets. New York, NY: NYC DOT, 2014.

Sadik-Khan, Janette, and Seth Solomonow. Streetfight:Handbook for an Urban Revolution. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2016.

Soulier, Nicolas. Reconquérir les rues : Exemples à travers le monde et pistes d’actions. Paris: Ulmer, 2012.

Southworth, Michael. Streets and the Shaping of Towns and Cities. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2003.

Speck, Jeff. Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time. San Francisco, CA: North Point Press, 2013.

Transport for London, Better Streets Delivered – Learning from completed schemes. London: TFL, September 2013.

U.K. Department of Transport. Manual for the Streets. London: Thomas Telford Publishing, 2007.

United Nations Human Settlements Programme. “Planning and Design for Sustainable Urban Mobility.” Global Report on Human
Settlements 2013. Nairobi: UN Habitat, 2013.

Varat, Adam, & Cristina Olea. San Francisco Better Streets Plan. San Francisco, CA: SF Planning Department and Municipal
Transportation Agency, 2010.

Vaughan, L., Dhanani, A., and Griffiths, S. “Beyond the suburban high street cliché: A study of adaptation to change in London’s
street network: 1880–2013.” Journal of Space Syntax 4, no. 2 (2013): 221–241.

Pedestrians and Accessibility

Atkin, Ross. “Sight Line: Designing Better Streets for People with Low Vision.” London: CABE and Royal College of Art, 2010.

City of Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi Walking and Cycling Master Plan. Abu Dhabi: Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport, 2010.

Cortright, Joe. “Walking the Walk: How Walkability Raises Home Values in U.S. Cities.” CEOs for Cities, August 2009.

Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions. Guidance on the use of Tactile Paving Surfaces. London: Government of the United Kingdom, 2000.

Federal Highway Administration. Non-motorized Transportation Pilot Program: Continued Progress in Developing Walking and
Bicycling. Washington, DC: U.S. DOT, 2014.

Institute of Transportation Engineers. Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares: A Context Sensitive Approach, Washington, DC:
ITE, 2010.

Jani, Advait and Christopher Kost. Footpath Design: A guide to creating footpaths that are safe, comfortable, and easy to use. New York, NY: ITDP, 2013.

Kim, Patricia and Elisa Dumitrescu. Share the Road: Investment in Walking and Cycling Road Infrastructure. Nairobi: UNEP Transport, November 2010.

Leinberger, Christopher B. and Patrick Lynch. “The Walk UP Wake Up Call: Michigan Metros.” Washington, D.C.: George  Washington University, School of Business, 2015.

New York City Department of City Planning. Active Design: Shaping the Sidewalk Experience. New York, NY: NYC Department of City Planning, 2013.

New Zealand Transport Agency, Pedestrian Planning and Design Guide, Auckland: Government of New Zealand, 2009.

NIKE Inc.”Designed to Move: Active Cities.” (accessed June 6, 2016).

Pendakur, V. Setty. “Non-Motorized Transport in African Cities: Lessons from Experience in Kenya and Tanzania.” Working Paper
No. 80, SSATP, Washington, DC, September 2005.

Tolley, Rodney. Providing For Pedestrians: Principles and Guidelines for Improving Pedestrian Access To Destinations and Urban Spaces. Melbourne: Department of Infrastructure, Victoria, 2013.

Transport for London, Improving walkability: Good practice guidance on improving pedestrian conditions as part of development opportunities. London: TFL, 2005.

U.S. Department of Justice, Civil rights Division. “Curb Ramps and Pedestrian Crossings Under Title II of the ADA.” ADA Best Practices Tool Kit for State and Local Governments, 2007 (accessed June
6, 2016).

UNC Highway Safety Research Center. “Pedestrian Safety Program Strategic Plan.” Final, Background Report, May 2010.


Beumer, Warner. A long history of cycling: facts and figures. Rotterdam: City of Rotterdam, 2015.

Bike Share Initiative. “Walkable Station Spacing is Key to Successful, Equitable Bike Share.” NACTO Bike Share Equity Practioners Paper #1, April 2015.

Buehler, Ralph et al. “Economic Impact and Operational Efficiency for Bikeshare Systems: Local, Domestic and International Lessons.” Virginia Tech, 2011. https://ralphbu. (accessed June 6, 2016).

Center for Trafik, Evaluering Af Norrebrogade: Projecktets Etape. Copenhagen: City Of Copenhagen, 2013.

De Groot, Herwijnen Rik. Design Manual for Bicycle Traffic. Ede: CROW, 2007.

Federal Highway Administration. Separated Bike Lane Planning and Design Guide. U.S. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, 2015.

Fleming, Susan. “GAO Report on Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety.” United States Government Accountability Office, Report to
Congressional Requesters, November 2015. (accessed June 6, 2016).

Institute for Transportation and Development Policy. Ciclo Ciudades: Manual Integral De Movilidad Ciclista Para Ciudades Mexicanas. Mexico City: ITDP Mexico, 2012.

Institute for Transportation and Development Policy. The Bike-Share Planning Guide. New York, NY: ITDP, 2013.

Mayor of London. The Mayor’s Vision for Cycling in London: An Olympic Legacy for all Londoners. London: TFL, 2013.

Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo. Manual de Construcción de Ciclovías. Santiago: Gobierno de Chile, 2015

Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo. Manual de Vialidad Ciclo-Inclusiva: Recomendaciones de Diseno. Santiago: Gobierno de
Chile, 2015.

National Association of City Transportation Officials. Bike Share Station Siting Guide. New York, NY: NACTO, 2016. (accessed June 6, 2016)

National Association of City Transportation Officials. Bikeway Design Guide. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2012.

National Transport Authority, National Cycling Manual. Dublin: Government of Ireland, 2009.

New York City Department of Transportation. “Protected Bicycle Lanes in NYC.” (accessed June 6, 2016).

New Zealand Transport Agency. Benefits of investing in cycling in New Zealand communities. Auckland: New Zealand Government, 2016.

Pardo, Carlos, Alfonso Sanz et al. Guía de ciclo-infraestructura para ciudades colombianas. Bogotá D.C.: Ministerio de Transporte de Colombia, 2016.

Schneider, R.J. and J. Stefanich. “Neighborhood Characteristics that Support Bicycle Commuting: Analysis of the Top 100 United
States Census Tracts.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2520 (2015): 41–51.

Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment. New Cycling Strategy for Berlin, Berlin: City of Berlin, 2013.

Thompson, S.R. et al. “Bicycle-Specific Traffic Signals: Results from a State-of-the-Practice Review.” Paper presented at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 2013.

Wang, S.L. et al. “Research on Bicycle Safety at Intersection in Beijing.” Paper presented at the 2008 Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals, Chengdu, 2008.


Biderman, Ciro. “Sao Paulo’s Urban Transport Infrastructure.” LSE Cities (blog), December 2008. https://lsecities. net/media/objects/articles/sao-paulo-urban-transport- infrastructure/en-gb/ (Accessed June 6, 2016).

Boorse Jack W. et al. “General Design and Engineering Principles of Streetcar Transit” ITE Journal 81, no. 1 (January 2011): 38–42.

Duduta, Nicolae et al. “Using Empirical Bayes to Estimate the Safety Impact of Transit Improvements in Latin America.” Paper presented at the Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Rome, 23-25 October, 2013.

Duduta, Nicolae et al. Traffic Safety on Bus Corridors. Washington, DC: EMBARQ, 2012.

Fitzpatrick, Kay et al.“Evaluation of Bus Bulbs” Transit Cooperative Research Program Report 65, Washington, DC, 2001.

Hidalgo, Dario, and Cornie, Huizenga. “Implementation of Sustainable Urban Transport in Latin America”. Research in
Transportation Economics 40, no. 1 (April 2013): 66–77.

Institute for Transportation and Development Policy. Bus Rapid Transit: Planning Guide. New York, NY: ITDP, June 2007.

Institute for Transportation and Development Policy. The BRT Standard. New York, NY: ITDP, June 2014.

Mayor of London. Transport and Health in London. London: Greater London Authority, 2014.

Roads Service Transportation Unit. Bus Stop Design Guide. Belfast: Roads Service and Translink, 2005.

Xiao, Zhao et al. “Unlocking the Power of Urban Transport Systems for Better Growth and a Better Climate.” Technical note. New Climate Economy, London, 2014. http://2015. (accessed June 6, 2016).

Cars and Other Motor Vehicles

Department for Transport. Home Zones: Challenging the future of our streets. London: Government of the United Kingdom, 2006.

EMBARQ, “Motorized Two-Wheelers in Indian Cities: A Case Study of the City of Pune.” Working Paper, WRI India, Mumbai, March 2014.

Federal Highway Administration “Reducing Congestion and Funding Transportation Using Road Pricing in Europe and Singapore.” December 2010. (accessed June 6, 2016).

Institute for Transportation and Development Policy. Parking Guidebook for Beijing. Beijing: ITDP China, 2015.

iRAP. “iRAP Road Attribute Risk Factors: Facilities for Motorcycles.” June 2013. (accessed June 6, 2016).

Ministry of Transportation. Traffic Calming Measures: Design Guideline. Accra: Republic of Ghana, July 2007.

Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program. “Cost effective traffic calming schemes in Ghana.” (accessed June 6, 2016).

Tao, W., S. Mehndiratta, and E. Deakin. “Compulsory Convenience? How Large Arterials and Land Use Affect Midblock Crossing in Fushun, China.” Journal of Transport and Land Use 3, No. 3 (2010): 61–82.

Urban Design London. Slow Streets Sourcebook. London: UDL, 2015.

Commercial Activity and Vendors

Bettcher, Kim, Martin Friedl, and Gustavo Marini. “From the Streets to Markets: Formalization of Street Vendors in Metropolitan Lima.” Center for International Private Enterprise, Reform Case Study, No. 0901, May 2009.

Center for Urban Pedagogy. “ Vendor Power.” 2009. (accessed June 6, 2016).

Chen, Johnny. “Albert Mall Street Vendors.” Ghetto Singapore, (blog), October 2013. http://www.ghettosingapore. com/albertmall-street-vendors/ (Accessed June 6, 2016).

Monte, Marianna, and Teresa Madeira da Silva. “Informal Street Vendors in Rio de Janerio.” Paper at the International Resourceful Cities 21 Conference, Berlin, August 2013.

Sinha, Shalini and Sally Roever. “India’s National Policy on Urban Street Vendors.” WIEGO Policy Brief (Urban Policies) No. 2, April

Yasmeen, Gisele and Narumol Nirathron. “Vending in Public Space: The Case Study of Bangkok.” WIEGO Policy Brief (Urban
Policies) No. 16, May 2014.

Road Safety

Afukaar Francis K., Phyllis Antwi, and Samuel Ofosu- Amaah. “Pattern of road traffic injuries in Ghana: Implications for control.” Injury Control and Safety Promotion 10, No. 1-2 (2003):69–76.

Berthod, Catherine. “Traffic Calming: Speed Humps and Speed Cushions.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Transportation Association of Canada, Edmonton, 2012.

Borsos , Attila. “Long-term safety trends related to vehicle ownership in 26 countries.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2280 (2012): 154-161.

Dewan Masud, Karim. “Narrower Lanes, Safer Streets.” Paper presented at CITE Conference, Regina, 2015.

Dumbaugh, E. and R. Rae , “Safe Urban Form: Revisiting the Relationship Between Community Design and Traffic Safety.” Journal of the American Planning Association 75, No. 3 (2009): 309–329.

Elvik, R., A. Hoye, and T. Vaa. The Handbook of Road Safety Measures. Bingle: Emerald Group Publishing, 2009.

EMBARQ. Cities Safe by Design: Guidance and Examples to Promote Traffic Safety through Urban and Street Design. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute, July 2015.

European Commission. “On the Implementation of Objective 6 of the European Commission’s Policy Orientations on Road Safety 2011-2020.” Working Document, EC, Brussels, 2013.

Ewing, R. and E. Dumbaugh, “The Built Environment and Traffic Safety: A Review of Empirical Evidence.” Injury Prevention 16 (2010): 211–212.

Global Road Safety Facility. Road Safety Management Capacity Reviews and Safe System Projects. Washington, DC: World Bank, 2013.

Harvey, Chester and Lisa Aultman-Hall. “Urban Streetscape Design and Crash Severity.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2500 (November 2014): 1–8.

Kopits, Elizabeth and Maureen Cropper, “Traffic Fatalities and Economic Growth.” Policy Research Working Paper 3035, World Bank, Washington, DC, April 2003.

Koren, Csaba, and Borsos, Attila. “GDP, vehicle ownership and fatality rate: similarities and differences among countries.” Paper presented at the IRTAD Conference, Seoul, September 2009.

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan. “Promotion of community road safety via road class function segmentation.” 2014.

Parkhill, Margaret, Rudolph Sooklall, and Geni Bahar. “Updated Guidelines for the Design and Application of Speed Humps.” Paper presented at the CITE Conference, Toronto, 2007.

Reynolds C.C., et al. “The impact of transportation infrastructure on bicycling injuries and crashes: a review of the literature.” Environmental Health 8: 47 (October 2009).

Rosén , Erik and Ulrich Sander. “Pedestrian fatality risk as a function of car impact speed.” Accident Analysis and Prevention 41, No. 3 (2009): 536–542.

Smart Growth America, “Dangerous by Design 2014.” National Complete Streets Coalition, May 2014.

Sul, Jaehoon. Korea’s 95% Reduction in Child Traffic Fatalities: Policies and Achievements. Seoul: The Korean Transport Institute, 2014.

Wedagamaa D.M.P. et al. “The influence of urban land-use on non-motorized transport casualties.” Accident Analysis & Prevention 38, No. 6 (2009): 1049–1057.

World Health Organization. Global status report on road safety. Geneva: WHO, 2009.

World Health Organization. World Report on road traffic injury prevention. Geneva: WHO, 2004.

World Health Organization. “Road safety in the WHO African Region: The Facts 2013.” (accessed June 6, 2016).

Measuring and Evaluating Streets

AARP, Evaluating Complete Streets Projects: A guide for practitioners. Washington, DC: AARP, 2015.

Dalbem, M.C et al. “Economic evaluation of transportation projects: best practices and recommendations to Brazil.” Revista de Administração Pública 44, No.1 (2010): 87-117.

Dillon Consulting. Complete Cummunities: Checklist & Tolbox. Winnipeg, MB: The City of Winnipeg, 2014.

Institute for Transportation and Development Policy. Study criteria for upgrading infrastructure: Ciclovía Revolution-Patriotismo. Mexico City: ITDP, 2015.

Litman, Todd. Evaluating Non-Motorized Transportation Benefits and Costs. Victoria, BC: Victoria Transport Policy Institute, 2012.

Mejia-Dorantes L. and K. Lucas. “Public transport investment and local regeneration: A comparison of London’s Jubilee Line Extension and the Madrid Metrosur.” Transport Policy 34 (2014): 241–252.

Midland, Bennett. Trends in Local Business Sales at NYC Department of Transportation Street Improvement Project Sites. New York, NY: NYC DOT, 2012.

National Cooperative Highway Research Program. Guidebook on Pedestrian and Bicycle Volume Data Collection. Report 797, Transportation Research Board, 2014.

New York City Department of Transportation. Measuring the Street: New Metrics for 21st Century Streets. New York, NY: NYC DOT, 2012.

Urban Development and Spaces

Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority. Streets & Spaces: Design Guide. Christchurch, CERA, June 2015.

Cervero, Robert. “Linking urban transport and land use in developing countries.” The Journal of Transport and Land Use, Vol 6. No. 1 (2013): 7–24.

Urban Land Institute. Building Healthy Places Toolkit: Strategies for Enhancing Health in the Built Environment. Washington, DC: ULI, 2015.

Freeway Removal and Improvement

Bocarejo J.P., Maria Caroline LeCompte, and Jiangping Zhou. The Life and Death of Urban Highways. ITDP and EMBARQ, 2012.

Cervero, Robert, Junhee Kang, and Kevin Shively. “From Elevated Freeways to Surface Boulevards: Neighborhood, Traffic, and Housing Price Impacts in San Francisco.” Working Paper prepared for the University of California Transportation Center, University of California, Berkeley, 2007.

Cervero, Robert. “Freeway Deconstruction and Urban Regeneration in the United States.” Paper prepared for the International Symposium for the 1st Anniversary of the Cheonggyecheon Restoration, Seoul, 2006.

Design Trust for Public Space. Under the Elevated: Reclaiming Space, Connecting Communities. New York, NY: Design Trust for Public Space, 2015.

Mac Donald, E. “Building a Boulevard.” Access Magazine, University of California Transportation Center, No. 28 (2006), 2–8

Seattle DOT. Case Studies: Lessons Learned: Freeway Removal. Seattle: Department of Transportation, 2008.

Informal Settlements

CHF International. “India and Ghana, Slum Communities Achieving Livable Environments with Urban Partner.” Annual Progress Report, CHF International, 2010.

Parikh, Himanshu. “Slum Networking of Indore City.” The Aga Khan Award for Architecture, 1989.

UN Habitat. Streets as Public Spaces and Drivers of Urban Prosperity. Nairobi: UN Habitat, 2012.

Laneways and Alleys

Allchin, Craig. “Adelaide Fine Grain: A Strategy for Strengthening The Fine Grain of The Adelaide City Centre.” March 2013.

Boffa Miskell Limited. Central City Lanes Report: Lanes Design Guide. Christchurch: Christchurch City Council, 2006.

Chicago Department of Transportation. The Chicago Green Alley Handbook: An Action Guide to Create a Greener, Environmentally Sustainable Chicago. Chicago, IL: CDOT, 2010.


Madeline Brozen et al. Reclaiming the Right-of-Way: Best Practices for Implementing and Designing Parklets. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, 2012.

Pavement to Parks. San Francisco Parklet Manual. San Francisco, CA: City of San Francisco, 2015.

Pratt, Liza. “Parklet Impact Study.” San Francisco Great Streets Study, 2012.

Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Urbano, Prefeitura de São Paulo. “Manual Operacional para Implantar um Parklet.” (accessed June 6, 2016).

Utilities and Green Infrastructure

Burden, Dan. “Urban Street Trees: 22 Benefits, Specific Applications.” Walkable Communities, 2006.

Kardan, Omid et al., “Neighborhood Greenspace and Health in a Large Urban Center.” Scientific Reports, No. 5 (July 2009).

Lesley, Bain, Barabara Gray and Dave Rogers. Living Streets: Strategies for Crafting Public Space. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2012

Melo, Jose Carlos. “The Experience of Condominial Water and Sewerage Systems in Brazil: Case Studies from Brasilia, Salvador and Parauap.” August 2005.

Shishegar, Nastaran. “Street Design and Urban Microclimate: Analyzing the Effects of Street Geometry and Orientation on Airflow and Solar Access in Urban Canyons.” Journal of Clean Energy Technologies 1, No. 1 (2013).

Transport for London. Streetscape Guidance. London: TFL, 2015.

Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.


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