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Location: Södermalm, Stockholm
Population: 0.9 million
Metro: 1.4 million
Length: 0.8 km
Right-of-Way: 28 m
Context: Mixed-Use (Commercial/Residential/Office)
Cost: 3.1 million SEK (360,000 USD)
Funding: City of Stockholm, traffic committee
Max. Speed: 30 km/h
Götgatan is a lively main street in the inner-city Södermalm district, with offices, shops, and restaurants serving a dense residential district. The street is also the most important route for cyclists coming to the Central Business District from the southern suburbs.
The street space has been reallocated on a trial basis to provide better opportunities for city life and improved access for cyclists and pedestrians.
Götgatan is a part of the wider Urban Mobility Strategy adopted by the city to increase use of transit, walking, and cycling, and improve the urban environment.
A trial is a successful method to achieve change quickly when unsure of the results.
Make clear that the process is a trial so that users do not think the changes are being done cheaply.
Activate areas of temporary furnishing to make new uses clear. Deliveries are a key point of conflict and need careful consultation and design.
Public Agencies
City of Stockholm traffic administration, Stockholm Police, the Greater Stockholm Fire Brigade, Stockholm Transport
Associations and Groups
Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, Swedish Association of Road Transport Companies, Swedish Taxi Association, Swedish Cyclists’ Association, Swedish Pedestrians’ Association, local residents, and traders
Increased sidewalk widths with zones for temporary street furnishing.
Wider cycle lanes in the former parking lane.
Cycle parking facilities for 50 cycles in former vehicle parking spaces.
Green wave for cyclist set at 18 km/h, visualization through countdown signs.
Reduction from two motor vehicle lanes in each direction to one in each direction.
Reduction in speed limit from 50 km/h to 30 km/h.
Measures to improve deliveries.
Increased parking charges to ensure turnover.
Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.