Global Street Design Guide

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Global Street Design Guide

Example 1: 20 m


Existing Conditions

The illustration above depicts a one-way street that was not originally designed for motorized traffic. This street type might have moderate traffic volumes, and its high-pedestrian activity might spill onto the roadbed.

Pedestrians are subject to extreme danger due to motor vehicle speeding, and inaccessible, narrow, and discontinuous sidewalks that are often obstructed by utilities or parked cars.

Minimal road markings lead pedestrians to cross the street in undefined and unsafe zones.

Unregulated angled curbside parking and street vendors encroach upon pedestrian space and travel lanes.

Cairo, Egypt

Design Guidance

 Convert the one-way street into a two-way street with one travel lane in each direction. Bidirectional travel reduces vehicular speeding as drivers must be cautious and aware of the oncoming traffic. See: Travel Lanes.

Two-way streets increase overall network connectivity but intersections must be carefully designed to minimize conflicts. Mitigate turn conflicts using tight corner radii, leading pedestrian intervals, and turn prohibitions for motor vehicles.

Replace angled parking with regulated curbside parking to provide increased space for sidewalks.

Widen sidewalks to accommodate trees, utilities, and commercial activity while ensuring a clear pedestrian path.

Install curb extensions to shorten pedestrian crossing distances and improve sightlines; lengthening the curb extension creates new public space for curbside amenities and street vendors. See: Sidewalk Extensions.

 Use curbside parking lanes that are flexible zones to accommodate boarding for small collective transit and taxis, dedicated cycle or motorcycle parking, and tree pits.

Create a safer people-centered environment with sidewalk-aligned crosswalks, visible and legible markings, and added public amenities.

Improved pedestrian zones and drop-off areas are beneficial to local business establishments.

New York City, USA

Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.

Example 2: 30 m

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Example 2: 30 m