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This illustration depicts a two-way street in a high-density neighborhood. The street serves local traffic and some through traffic.
Two wide travel lanes in each direction encourage speeds that are not appropriate for residential streets. Parallel parking is provided on both sides of the street.
Lack of trees, drainage, or green infrastructure results in unshaded sidewalks and water pooling during heavy rains.
Cyclists share the travel lanes with motorized vehicles.
Remove one travel lane in each direction and reduce lane widths to 3 m.
Add protected cycle tracks by locating them between the curb and the offset parking lane. Provide these dedicated cycle facilities on each side and connect to other facilities to extend the citywide cycling network. See: Cycle Facilities.
Alternate parking spaces with trees or rain gardens. Use permeable paving for the parking lane and introduce rain gardens to increase permeability, improve stormwater management, and reduce urban heat island effect.
Align pedestrian islands with the parking spaces to protect pedestrians waiting to cross the street.
Place all street lighting, cycle racks, and utility boxes along a common curb zone to create a continuously accessible clear path.
Add accessibility ramps and tactile strips, and maintain existing sidewalk widths. See: Universal Accessibility.
Ensure that all curb cuts and driveways are designed with appropriate ramps for minimal disturbance to the pedestrian clear path.
Auckland, New Zealand. Parking is spaced between green infrastructure elements.
Fortaleza, Brazil. Water pooling due to a lack of drainage or green infrastructure.
Adapted by Global Street Design Guide published by Island Press.
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